New Side Quests

Side Quests

Learning New skills and hobbies

Value Your Time

Squeeze in some “me time” between the daily eat-work-sleep grind

Exlpore New Passions

Find new activities that make you excited about the day

Build new Talents

Grow your self-worth and build a new identity whose future you control

What are side quests?

Side Quests 101

The main plot of life may look similar for many: Go to school. Get a job. Keep up with rent. Occassional vacation. Fall in love. Start a family. Watch the kids grow up. Retire. Enjoy remaining free time.

Side quests are the extracurriculars that happen alongside and around the main plot. Depending on the hobby or skill, they can be range from recreational (i.e. tennis or pottery) to fitness (i.e. running or cycling) to practical (i.e. learning new language or coding).

In short, the goal is actively setting aside time for you. Use a portion of your weekly tv / social media time to find new challenges. Many side quests will come and go in a flurry. Others could become a lifelong skill or hobby that become a part of your new identity.

why Try Side Quests in 2023?

Importance of Side Quests

Whether you want to add something small to your life or do a complete rewrite, side quests are a great way to break up the daily routine.

Between work and personal obligations, there are a lot of time commitments that we cannot control. This puts a premium on the remaining free time leftover.

Let’s work together to avoid letting weeks blur into months. At the end of 2023, you may not remember the tv show you half watched while scrolling on your phone or when laid in bed all day hungover.

What if instead, you set a goal around learning a new skill or hobby? Learn a new language and test your skills out in a foreign country. Become a high-end chef and treat your friends to a homemade meal. Push yourself beyond casual runner and complete that first marathon. Pick up pottery and discover some of the most peaceful hours of your week.

It doesn’t all need to be noteworthy or instagrammable. The goal is to look back on 2023 and to be able to say “I did that” with a smile on your face.


Starter Side QUest Ideas

Not sure where to start? Here are some side quests that might be great for you!


Pick up that sketch pad and let your hand do the thinking


Learn the foundations of music and find out if you can keep a beat

Learning a New Lanuage

Using google translate in a foreign country is pretty lame

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